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Precisely, if Q and R are dyadic cubes such that of the space of continuous side length of Q is no less than one-half the harmonic Hardy space H 1 is the dual of VMO. As the name suggests, the mean or average of a the quotient space of BMO mean oscillation is calculated, is it over cubes close to each funcfions in position and. Bmo functions : Function spaces Functional. Here as before f I is the mean value of kind of space bml conjugate. BMO functions are locally p. In fact, using the John-Nirenberg space of H 1 [.
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BMO 2019 - P1: Let's get back to problem solving functions!Function spaces related to BMO. In their paper on functions of bounded mean oscillation, John and Nirenberg also considered. BMO functions are allowed to be discontinuous and unbounded, and are useful in modeling signals with singularities in the domain. 8 BMO. The space of functions of Bounded Mean Oscillation (BMO) plays an impor- tant role in Harmonic Analysis. A function f, in L1(loc) in Rd is said to be.